Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Wednesday Words - Crazy enough to change the world...

I've been away from blogging for a while and am happy to be jumping back in. I had forgotten about WednesdayWords by the lovely Emma over on the blog Crazy With Twins. I think i've only participated twice on the link in so I thought I'd join in while I can still keep my eyes open.

I'm not sure that as an individual we can change the entire world but i'm certain we can make changes to the world that is important to us.

My husband, recently diagnosed with testicular cancer, is my world along with my son Jonathan. Until now I feel as though our lives have taken the paths intended for us all. It's not until a life changing event occurs that we feel the need to change this. Change our world... for the better. 

My world as I know it is currently in limbo, waiting on catscan results, oncologist appointments etc (I didn't even know what an Oncologist was until 3 weeks ago) BUT the changes we vow to make will only see things improve. If the improvement results in my little world changing for the better then yes... I'm crazy enough to change the world.

When we are happy and positive it shows. It's the small steps to our 'world' changes even if we need to pretend to be for the people we love most.

Peace, love, HEALTH and Happiness for all xx

Wednesday Words

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

The Haircut

I was all up for Jonathan having his first haircut. In fact he probably didn't need it. It was one of those things I couldn't wait for him to do or have like crawling and walking and now that it's over and done with, well, I want his hair back.

I couldn't get him to the hair dresser fast enough. Another event to photograph then tweet, facebook, Instagram and so on... Look at my beautiful baby boy.

My baby boy is now a toddler boy. His first locks were cut away in seconds and they'd taken all his little life to grow. I remember being told at my 30 week scan... 'See all that fuzz around his head? that's hair" he was born with locks of ginger gold.

I've written this small post out because i'm feeling a bit sad, sad that every last bit of my baby boy is disappearing and he's growing faster than I ever imagined he would.

Has anyone else felt like this over the smallest of things?

My weight loss journey