Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Wicked Wednesday 17.12.2014

Yesterday I did a clear out of Jonathan's toys. You know, all the toys that are fantastic but never used and sit at the bottom of the toy chest?
He got home from daycare and never realised that I had strategically placed all the toys at the bottom of the chest on top in hope he would 'play' with them.
He did realise this morning and my super tidy lounge room turned into this within 5  minutes...


  1. Looks like he is having so much fun destroying your clean lounge lol xx

  2. Hahah he's crazy - love it all xx

  3. Yep exactly how it is in our household too! #wickedwednesday

  4. Sods. Mine would be exactly the same! Hope you're enjoying your festive break! See you back on January 7th for #wickedwednesdays xxx


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